Lifestyle Bees Knees (fitness... yeah... knees involved)

Well the AI would advise me to say to embark on to some Journey but this blog is called "Jourknee" so is going to be (I hope) a different experience. We are going to talk about many day to day things but focusing slightly more on food and wellness. I will share my experience with these 2 especially and then from time to time sprinkle some personal rants about human mind and what has it become to these days. Come on, something has to be fun in this!
Let's blog now

My Story
Middle life man that unfortunately has abused his (I think so) good enough genetics to be visually pleasing to the eye from a fitness and wellness point of view. The rest is in the articles!

Our mission is to connect people with authentic travel experiences that leave a lasting impact. Through sustainable practices and a deep respect for local cultures, we aim to promote responsible tourism and support the communities we visit.
Discussion Topics
The discussion topics are going to be from healthy foods to how to get the dream body(the real one not the hyper realistic one) and how to feel confident.
Healthy and Unhealthy
No Expert Advice
Of course I am not an expert in nutrition but I am experienced and most of my experiments were conducted on me and I do qualify as a human being... You get my point right?
Strength, Mass, Maintenance or All
How do you train exactly?
What types of trainings do you do? Is it just weightlifting, is it other sports? Do martial arts count as tools in sculpting your body? Yes!
I know I can do better to answer these, come on join me on them articles.
I was not confident at all
Every pickup artist would start this way many moons ago when picking up the opposed sex was a thing you needed training at. Yeah it really was popular among men. But no, my confidence and I suspect most of people's on this planet is not something constant at the same value. It has ups and downs. It did for me and it still does. Butt.... (sorry English not my native tongue) you can always steer your confidence back to a level you are comfortable.